Nestled in the heart of Ni-Chome, Tokyo’s swanky gay quarter, is a men’s ryokan (inn) where a weary businessman or pleasure-seeking tourist can lose himself in the world of gorgeous men, erotic massages and much, much, more. However, in the world of the White Tiger, there is also the chance of life-fulfilling romance and friendships that are stronger than any other bond. All this, and a hint of suspense. Come, lose yourself in a place that fulfills your fantasies without having to leave home. The White Tigers series of erotic romances will satisfy body and spirit. Scroll down to see the selection of White Tigers romances!
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White Tiger Positions
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Playing the Jade Flute (Naoto and Koji)
One man sits comfortably in a chair or on the edge of a bed while his partner kneels before him between his thighs. Holding the base of his partner’s dragon between thumb and forefinger, his other hand resting on his partner’s thigh or hip, he stimulates his partner orally in a gentle, even rhythm, sets of 6 to 9 strokes, stopping between sets to press the tip of the tongue briefly over the dragon’s mouth. The process is repeated until his partner climaxes at which time, he leans back and catches the dragon’s cloud (the emission) on his torso.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Nat and Ryu) Nat on top.
One man crouches on hands and knees while his partner kneels behind him, hands on his hips and penetrates his jade gate. When his dragon is fully in, he thrusts in sets of 6, keeping an even, steady rhythm, resting for several seconds between each set until climax. For stimulating and releasing yang and balancing with yin in both partners.
Art by Libra Illustrations
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